
Nov 4, 2020


The kingdom of heaven in this sermon,
is like a group of ten young virgins –
each searched deep inside her room
for lamps to meet with the bridegroom.

Five of them were, well, halfwitted,
and five of them were wise.
For half the virgins had omitted
oil in all their supplies.

They became tired and they snoozed
as the bridegroom was delayed.
But at midnight came the news:
“Hark! The bridegroom’s promenade!”

When the virgins rose and trimmed their wicks
the fools said to the wise, ‘Hey, chicks,
give us oil to do as the king wished,
for our lamps — they are extinguished.’

The wise virgins gave reply:
“There’s not enough for you and I,
so return to the stores and buy
your requested resupply.”

And while the five went out for oil,
the bridegroom arrived ready, royal.

Those prepared came in to dine,
and the door was shut behind.

After that, the other virgins
returned, begging, at the door:
“Open up for our emergence,
open up, lord, we implore!”

But he said, “I know you not”
– so keep watch and discern,
for you also may be caught
ill-equipped when God returns.




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